We underst和 that heart health is crucial to living a long 和 healthy life, which is why we are committed to providing the highest quality cardiology services to our patients. Our team of experienced cardiologists 和 clinical staff is dedicated to providing personalized care to every patient. 是否需要预防性护理, 诊断测试, 或者高级治疗方案, 我们来满足您的需求. Our state-of-the-art facilities 和 cutting-edge technology allow us to provide the most comprehensive 和 advanced cardiology services available.
At Valley our cardiology team manages 和 treats risk factors 和 cardiac conditions including the following:
VMC's cardiac care includes the following diagnostic 和 preventive services:
从 evaluation to life-saving procedures, 当病人最需要我们的时候, we’re right here with state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization labs. Some types of heart disease improve with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures to open blocked vessels in the heart 和 restore blood flow. PCI is now considered the gold st和ard of care for an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). 程序可以包括以下内容, including transradial访问 (procedures done through an artery in the wrist for quicker recovery 和 patient comfort):
The cardiac 电生理学 (EP) service at Valley provides care for people with electrical issues of the heart, 比如心律不齐, 也被称为 心律失常. While it’s not unusual to feel like your heart flutters, 比赛, 或者跳过一个节拍, some heart 心律失常s don’t cause problems while others require treatment. At Valley we are proud to announce the addition of 电生理学, allowing us to both diagnose 和 treat electrical issues of the heart in our state-of-the-art EP lab. Experienced physicians 和 staff use the latest techniques to diagnose 和 treat heart 心律失常s, 如 心房纤颤即心房纤颤. We use advanced 3-D mapping 和 imaging technologies, helping get heartbeats back in sync through 心脏消融术,植入式装置,如 心脏起搏器 or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (icd)和其他治疗方法.
The Cardiac Arrhythmia Service provides comprehensive care for patients with all types of cardiac 心律失常s. Our experienced specialists work with patients to determine the cause of their heart rhythm problems 和 develop a plan of care designed to control symptoms, improve quality of life 和 long-term prognosis. Valley offers a unique combination of experienced providers 和 a state-of-the-art 电生理学 lab with the convenience of a community hospital.
When recovering from a cardiac event or heart-related procedure, 病人需要额外的照顾和支持. 在十大正规网赌软件的 心脏康复计划, specialized nurses monitor patient progress 和 vitals. We also integrate exercise 和 nutrition experts to help patients recover safely as they progress toward fitness 和 renewed health. 病人 with the following are encouraged to participate:
在这个视频中,Dr. Igbalode answers the following questions:
在这个视频中, you'll meet Valley's Electrophysiologists, 李Dolack, MD, 还有索耶·吉莱斯皮, MD, as well as some of the team members who work with them in Valley's state-of-the-art 电生理学 lab.
It was a normal day at 首页 with her three-year old when 27-year old Kelsey felt her heart start racing.